Ready to Pop the Question?

Ready to Pop the Question?

How to Buy an Engagement Ring 101 So you have a significant other that you are absolutely in love with. The timing is just right. They are dropping subtle hints that they’re ready for a long-term commitment. You’ve upheld the tradition of stating your wholehearted intentions to the parents. It feels as if all the […]

The History of the Engagement Ring

The History of the Engagement Ring

As summer starts, wedding season is in full swing. How do all marriages (okay, most marriages) start? With an engagement, of course. The presentation of a ring, a grand proposal, and a few months to a few years of planning a wedding. Occasionally, we find ourselves wondering where this tradition began. To get to the […]

Diamond-Alternative Engagement Rings: Morganite

Diamond-Alternative Engagement Rings: Morganite

We’re just past the season of engagements, and you may be sick of all the new rings featured on your friends’ Instagram accounts, or you may be excitingly scrolling through them to get some inspiration for your own future engagement. Looking for engagement rings is an exciting time in your life! This is one of […]