Eternity Bands

How do you promise a love that will last forever? One option is a dazzling diamond eternity band from DND. The name “Eternity” really says it all. The concept of an eternity ring is an unbroken loop of precious metal and gemstones — typically diamonds. Without an end point in sight, these rings create a clear symbol of eternal devotion. This symbolism is further reinforced in diamond eternity rings because diamonds signify love, faithfulness, and endurance.

Eternity bands are given and worn for a few different reasons. Most often, an eternity ring is used to mark a major milestone like a significant wedding anniversary. We’ve also seen eternity rings being given as “push presents” after the birth of a child. Some couples even choose to use an eternity ring as part of the bridal set. In this case the eternity ring typically serves as the wedding band, but it is not unheard of for a man to propose with an eternity ring in place of a traditional engagement ring.

Eternity Bands

DND has a beautiful selection of pre-made eternity rings and bands that would make the perfect gift for the most special occasion. Our custom capabilities allow our customers to fully control every aspect of the design process from start to finish. Given that most eternity bands are non-sizable, customers enjoy the opportunity to create the perfect fit from the start with our DND experts. 

Although these round symbols are incredibly beautiful and deeply symbolic, just like anything else they have some benefits and some downsides! Let’s explore some of the most common pros and cons and determine if an eternity ring is right for you!


Eternity Bands

Sparkle – The more diamonds it has, the more a ring will capture and reflect light to create the fire and brilliance we all love. The full 360 degree coverage of an eternity bands makes it stand out like no other. Your hand will be the most center of attention wherever you go! 

Neutralize Spinning – When most other rings spin, you will eventually end up looking at a simple metal band while the precious diamonds are hidden beneath the finger. But with eternity rings the beauty is continuous all the way around.

Symbolism – Half or three-quarter diamonds bands can be lovely, but without a continuous circle of stones, they don’t truly convey that message of ever-lasting love. 


Eternity Bands

Cost – Eternity rings require more stones than half or three-quarter diamond bands. They’re also notably more difficult to create because they have to match the size of the wearer’s finger exactly while utilizing equally sized stones. These factors tend to make eternity rings more expensive.

Sizing – For the same reasons they require such skillful craftsmanship to create, eternity rings are difficult (sometimes even impossible) to resize, particularly if you need to make them larger

Repairs – With stones on the underside of the band where the ring typically gets the most wear and tear, eternity bands may need more maintenance than other rings.

Jewelry is extremely personal. What works for some may not work for others! Consider your taste, lifestyle, and budget before shopping to make the right choice for you. If you believe an eternity ring is in your future, visit us at to shop our beautiful hand selected choices of eternity bands.